Smart Textiles

Experimenting with Weaving and Arduino Sensors

  • Duration: 2 Weeks

  • Mentor - Weavers: Hanumanthappa Facilitators: Dharun Rao, Vivek Garady

  • Type: Homebased Studio- Experimenting Basic Weaving using Tapestry Loom

Concept Development

  • The 2 weavers who mentored us for this project were from the Koppal and Bagalkot districts of Northern Karnataka respectively. They are a part of the Kuruhina Shetty Weaving Community. These 2 regions are well known for the traditional Handloom Ilkal Saree and for their Architecture.

  • Deriving inspiration from the Art and Architecture of the this region, I decided to pick the group of monuments at the land of a forgotten empires- Hampi, Badami and Pattadakkal and decided to bring this beauty in ruins alive by experimenting with simple weave samples of coasters, wall-hangings and anklets inspired by the same.

    Primarily looking at making Weaves using yarns and the compositions will be inspired by

    - Shapes of various stones

    - Recurring patterns found in various monuments and

    - The colour palette of these places- from ochres to browns to blues.

  • To add further interactivity and to experiment with the idea of "Smart textiles", I decided to incorporate Arduino Sensors and make quick prototypes of Smart Wall-Hanging/ Smart Anklets.


Compositions and Weaves

Smart Wall - Hanging Prototype

A Temperature and Humidity Sensor-DHT11 integrated into the wall hanging enabling it to constantly display the current Temperature and Humidity of the place.

Smart Anklet Prototype

LDR Sensor Module is used to detect the intensity of light and is sensitive to the same. And hence, this when integrated into the anklet helps guide the one wearing it through areas where the light intensity is low/there is no light by turning the attached LED Strips on. (In the prototype a single LED bulb has been used). - Safety Hack!


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